Note: To create an export invoice your customer’s country should be other than India
Please follow the steps below to create export invoice
Step 1: Click on “Sales Invoice” & click on “Add New” button
Step 2 :
To create an export invoice enter details of your customer, shipping, invoice, product, and payment as explained below
Section 1: Select customer in customer information section
Note: To create an export invoice your customer’s country should be other than India
Section 2:
– Under invoice type select Export Invoice (With IGST) / Export Invoice (Without IGST)
– If applicable enter other details related to export like Currency, Conversion Factor, Last State in India, Last Pincode in India
Section 3: Enter applicable Export Shipping Detail
Section 4: Select product, it will show price and total in both currency
Section 5: You can see Grand total in both currency
Section 6: Save your invoice